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iTunes Song Samples may be Doubled to 60 Seconds on September 1st Event?

According to a report in the early morning, Apple is expected to double the length of free song samples within the iTunes Store, from 30 seconds to 60 seconds this week. The report says that Steve Jobs may announce that iTunes users will be able to sample a minute of a song before purchasing instead of half a minute.

The report claims that Apple's media event on September 1st will cover a lot of changes to iTunes by saying "a large part" of the event detailing how the new iTunes improves the user experience. But Apple is not expected to introduce a cloud-based iTunes service according to the report.

We may consider the launching of iPod Touch 4G, iWatch, iTV, iLife major update, iOS 4.1 software update, iTunes cloud and wireless synchronization, TV Show rentals, and who knows what Steve Jobs is hiding!

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