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What Should we Expect from Apple in September 1st Event?

It's only two days ago when Apple started to sent invitations for a special Apple musical event. Today, Apple Dressed The Yerba Buena Center For The Event Of September 1st. But people wondering about what should be expected there? can there be an iOS 4.1 announcement? Well, here's my thoughts.

Absolutely, it's a next generation iPod Touch event as Apple dressed the Yerba Buena again in San Francisco with a big guitar that indicates to a musical event. Also expected a new iTunes rental option for TV episodes, TV shows are available for purchase at US $1.99 each. Bloomberg said that Apple will add the rental option for $0.99 just 24 hours after their event.
What about iTV and iOS 4.1? Musical event doesn't refer to an iTV event or iOS 4.1 announcement but who knows, Perhaps Steve has one more thing behind his guitar. Anyway, come back to CoveringWeb on September 1st.
Update 1: You can check the full summary of the Apple Special Event here.

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